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On April 16, 1937 a meeting of the Session was called for the purpose of letting the contract to someone for re-plastering ceiling and walls of the church auditorium and other repairs of the church.  W.L. Ratcliff with bid of $898 was chosen.




Whereas, God in his infinite wisdom has called our beloved brother, S.M. King, from life unto death;

Whereas, Mr. King was for a number of years a faithful member and officer in the First Presbyterian Church in Gainesville;

Be it resolved by the official board of said church:

First:  That we bow in humble submission to Him to doeth all things well;

Second:  That we extend heartfelt sympathy to his bereaved family;

Third:  That these resolutions be spread on the minutes of this body and also that a copy of the same be mailed to his family.


                                      Very respectfully submitted:

                                      H.O. McCain

                                      W.W. Leverett


Approved:  March 15, 1936



First Presbyterian Church

April 1, 1936


H.O. McCain

H.L. Frasher

John McCarty

Irb Bateman

Otto Kaden

J.G. Estes

C.L. Sarles

Clay Newton

Word Payne

R.S. Timmerman

A. Baker

D.J. Chadwell

G.D. Bell




Wm. R. Block

Howard Broadhead

A.H. Ingle

Chas. Clark

W.S. Temple

Frank Savage


Finance Committee


Carl F. Moore, Chairman

Irb Bateman

Otto Kaden

Wm. R. Block

Joe Bennett

H.O. McCain

John McCarty

Clint McPherson

Chas. Clark

Word Payne

Frank Morris

Rufus Whiddon Sr.

R.S. Timmerman

G.D. Bell





Minutes from Regular Meeting of Session


October 4, 1936


On motion the following were received into the church by letter:  Rev. and Joe Bennett from Sunray, Texas, Rev. Mr. Bennett to be enrolled when a letter is granted him from Amarillo Presbytery.  Charles Letcher by letter from Houston, Texas church.


Minutes from Regular Meeting of Session


November 15, 1936


On motion Mr. and Mrs. A. Baker were received into the church by letter from the First Presbyterian Church, Dallas.


Minutes from Regular Meeting of Session


January 3, 1937


Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Kenneth Jenkins were received into the church by letter, his letter from Paola, Kansas, Presbyterian Church, and her letter from the First Christian Church, Kansas City, Mo.


Minutes from Regular Meeting of Session


January 10, 1937


On motion Mr. and Mrs. C.H. Clark were received into the church by letter from the Southern Presbyterian Church, Corsicana.  Also their son, Charles Clark was received by letter from the same congregation.


On motion Mrs. George Brown, Jr., was received into the church by letter from the Central Presbyterian Church, Denton




Minutes from Regular Meeting of Session


March 28, 1937


On motion Norma Jane Estes was received into the church by profession.


Minutes from Regular Meeting of Session


April 4, 1937


On motion the following members were received into the church by profession and baptized:

Raymond Van Duker, Jack Keith Bell, Don Bell, Sarah Billie Tippit and John Tippit.


Minutes from Regular Meeting of Session


September 20, 1937


On motion Mr. and Mrs. Travis King were received into the church by statement, Mr. King having once been a member of this church, and Mrs. King coming from the First Methodist Church, Sherman.



Minutes from Regular Meeting of Session


September 26, 1937


On motion Mrs. Douglass Whiddon was received into the church by statement from the First Baptist Church, Gainesville.  Also Mrs. W.F. McDaniel was received by letter from the Central Presbyterian Church, Waxahachie.


Minutes from Regular Meeting of Session


December 14, 1937


On motion Mr. and Mrs. W.S. Temples were received into the church on profession of faith.  Their baby was also baptized.

Also at this service the baby of Mrs. Juanita Robinson and the baby of Mrs. Oley

Johnson were baptized.

Session Minutes 1936-1937

First Presbyterian Church

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401 S. Denton

Gainesville, Texas  76240


P.O. Box 751


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