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Session Minutes 1923-1924



On November 18, 1923, “H.L. Frasher reported on the matter of a building in North Gainesville for a mission Sunday School, his report stating that a suitable building could be secured at a rental of $100 per year.  Apparently that was done because in April it was reported that the “North Gainesville Sunday School was discussed and it was voted to ask the Men’s Bible Class to take care of the rent expense in the future.”


In 1924, First Presbyterian Church, together with 5 other local churches, sponsored a nationally known evangelist, Rev. James Rayburn, who came to Gainesville and held revivals for six weeks, in a specially constructed tabernacle capable of accommodating 2800 people.


Minutes from Regular Meeting of Session

January 7, 1923

Pearl, Nellie and Myrtle Black were reported as received into the church by baptism and were accepted by the session.

Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Schappaul were reported as dismissed by letter to Anglin Street Presbyterian Church, Cleburne; and Mr. and Mrs. F.D. Henderson, and daughters, Dorothy, Virginia and Helen to First Presbyterian Church, Fort Worth.

The matter of ushers for the church was taken up and F.H. Turbeville, Carl Moore, Alex Canon, Dr. J.L. Griffin, G.W. Bradley, Frank Morris, Wm. Tyler and Wm. Block were named as ushers for the year.


Minutes from Regular Meeting of Session

April 1, 1923

Moderator reported the following names added to the church since the last meeting of the session:  Hans H. Cook, Frank Welch, James Kibbler, Mrs. E. C. Leonard, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jarvis and Miss Willie Frankenberger.  On motion these were duly received and ordered enrolled.

The following names were dismissed by letter:  Claude Kennerly, to the Presbyterian Church at Tulsa, Oklahoma; Mr. and Mrs. W.D. Story to the Presbyterian Church at Clovis, New Mexico; Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Ridgeway to the First Presbyterian Church, Fort Worth.


Minutes from Regular Meeting of Session

June 3, 1923

Mrs. D.U. Hancock and Mrs. Harry Spence were reported by the pastor as having come into the church by letter, and they were accepted by the session.

Minutes from Regular Meeting of Session

July 1, 1923

Mrs. F. Frantz was reported by the pastor as having come into the church by letter and she was accepted by the session.

Mrs. Leedora Lesley was reported dismissed to the First Presbyterian Church, Wichita Falls, Texas.


Minutes from Regular Meeting of Session

September 2, 1923

Mrs. C.A. Holt was received into the church by letter.  Geo T. Adkins by statement and Walter Timmis by experience.


Minutes from Regular Meeting of Session

October 7, 1923

List of all teachers and officers of the Sunday school, as presented by the committee, were read and accepted by the session, they being as follows:

C.P. Priddy and W.W. Leverett, superintendents.

Mrs. W.W. Leverett, secretary, Miss Florence Johnson, assistant secretary

Miss Eva Noble superintendent Intermediate department, Mrs. R.E. Joiner, assistant, Mrs. Sarles and Mrs. McCarty, secretaries.

Miss Mary Douglass Kennerly superintendent beginners department.

Teachers:  Rev. R.E. Joiner, W.H. McDaniel, Mrs. J.H. Midkiff, Mrs. J.P. Brown, Miss Willie Frankeberger, Miss Lucile Ainsworth, Miss Pauline Ainsworth, Mrs. J.L. Griffin, Mrs. Bryan, Miss Gilbert, Mrs. Ainsworth, Mrs. Gartnett, Mrs. Holland, Mrs. Gudgell, Mrs. Frasher, Mrs. Timmerman, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Kaden, Miss Lisle, Mrs. Cross.


Minutes from Regular Meeting of Session

November 4, 1923

Letters were granted to J.R. Rominger and wife to the El Paso church and to Miss Mildred Lano to the Miami, Florida church.


Minutes from Regular Meeting of Session

March 3, 1924

The pastor presented the following names which had come into the church by letter since last session meeting and they were duly accepted by the session:  Mr. and Mrs. Power, Mrs. C. E. Millerman, A.H. Ingle, H.A. Gardner, Jim Ford, Mrs. R.N. Blake, Iva Ryan, G.D. Bell, Mrs. G.D. Bell, W.L. Ratcliff, J.H. Lancaster, Felix Johnson, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. A.H. Limmerman, Mrs. J.C. Nickle, Wayne Collins, Mr. and Mrs. C.C. Shell, Mrs. Chester Robb, Mr. and Mrs. Rice Aldridge.

The following were received by experience:  Joseph Curtis Jr., and Ralph Wingert.

The following were received on profession of faith and baptism:  J.C. Nickle, Emma Dean Nickle, Mr. and Mrs. E.L. McDaniel, Bert McDaniel, Mrs. J.H. Lancaster, Raymond Clay, R.M. Blake, Paul H. Cochran, Mr. and Mrs. H. Slack, Lois McDaniel, Elizabeth Whiddon, Angie Elizabeth Gardner, Eileen Giltner, Dorris Giltner, John S. Schofield.


Minutes from Regular Meeting of Session

April 7, 1924

Letters of dismissal were granted to Mr. and Mrs. Chas Richter and to Mrs. Florence France, Mr. and Mrs. Richter being dismissed to Memphis, Texas and

Mrs. Frantz to Dallas.  Raymond McCarty and Maurice Canon were enrolled as new members.


Minutes from Regular Meeting of Session

September 2, 1924

The pastor reported the following persons as coming into the church, which were accepted by the session:  Miss Minnie Frasher, Mrs. Everett Sanders, Zelma Sanders and Weldon Sanders, by letter.  Marjorie Garnett, by experience.


First Presbyterian Church

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Gainesville, Texas  76240


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